Four Filipina domestic workers sue diplomat employers in Europe’s latest case of exploitation in diplomatic households.

Four Filipina domestic workers sue diplomat employers in Europe’s latest case of exploitation in diplomatic households.
Former Philippines senator and outspoken critic of ex-President Rodrigo Duterte sees hope for freedom.
Nine Filipino truck drivers expose abusive working conditions, but the Dutch public prosecutor dismisses them.
Working on a deep sea fishing vessel was already dangerous, but the pandemic has made a bad situation worse.
Confined to their homes by lockdown, women have also found it difficult to access family planning services.
Filipinos forced to wait weeks on ships anchored in Manila Bay, as authorities struggle to organise testing, quarantine.
Government releasing 10,000 inmates, but campaigners say more has to be done because prisons are so overcrowded.
Experts fear lifting restrictions will trigger surge in new cases, but many people already suffering economic fallout.
Manila’s poor suffer as Philippines relies on military approach to deal with public health problem.
Philippine medical workers face derisory pay, outright hostility in a health system undermined by decades of neglect.