As the June 2 election nears, experts say the PRI remains weak, limping to a lacklustre result in the presidential race.

As the June 2 election nears, experts say the PRI remains weak, limping to a lacklustre result in the presidential race.
A US court convicts former right-wing President Juan Orlando Hernandez of narco-trafficking.
A witness in the trial accused an unnamed member of the Israeli embassy in Colombia of participating in a cocaine ring.
Former President Juan Orlando Hernandez faces accusations he transformed Honduras into a drug-trafficking ‘narco-state’.
President Xiomara Castro’s government must do more to protect those fighting for environmental rights, critics say.
New investigation reveals allegations of torture, evidence-planting and extrajudicial killings by security forces.
Berta Cáceres’s daughter has alleged that Dutch state-run bank ignored signs of embezzlement, violating laws.
Prominent environmental and Indigenous activist Berta Caceres was shot dead in her home in 2016.
Congress has voted to reverse controversial ZEDE law, which allowed for the creation of semi-autonomous corporate zones.
Six activists who opposed an open-pit mining project faced years in jail – until the Supreme Court stepped in.