Kenneth Morrison

Kenneth Morrison

Kenneth Morrison is a Professor of Modern History at De Montfort University in the UK. He is the author of five books on the modern history of the Wes... tern Balkans including 'Nationalism, identity and Statehood in Post-Yugoslav Montenegro' and is also the co-author (with Paul Lowe) of ‘Reporting the Siege of Sarajevo’. He is the co-author of ‘War Hotels’ (2022) and historical consultant for the Al Jazeera documentary series of the same name.


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For jour­nal­ists, ho­tels are an im­por­tant part of the in­fra­struc­ture re­quired to re­port from war­zones.

Published On 16 Mar 2022
White media vans with satellites and journalists are seen outside a hotel in Kyiv, Ukraine