Although heavily implied, one thing Obama didn’t directly mention in his State of the Union speech was drones.

Although heavily implied, one thing Obama didn’t directly mention in his State of the Union speech was drones.
Israel’s latest assault on Gaza has no legal basis as an occupying power and constitutes a set of war crimes.
If the government prevails, observers at any of the 9/11 hearings would see, but not hear those on trial, writes Hajjar.
A recently uncovered FBI ‘primer’ document on interrogation techniques cites manuals from the CIA’s dark past.
The legacy of torture and cruel treatment in detention operations has not been expunged under US president Obama.
From Guantanamo to Bagram prison in Afghanistan, Obama has broken his promise to end torture and illegal detention.
For a majority of Guantanamo detainees, US judges have found flimsy evidence linking the suspects to ‘terror’ groups.
During George W Bush’s first term, the US tortured many ‘War on Terror’ prisoners, including a 15-year-old boy.
The Bush administration made a series of decisions authorising torture and secret prisons just days after 9/11.
US detention centre can remain open as long as the “war on terror” continues, with no end in sight.