Santiago Zabala

Santiago Zabala

Santiago Zabala is ICREA Research Professor of Philosophy at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. His latest books are 'Being at Large. Freedom i... n the Age of Alternative Facts' (2020), and 'Outspoken: A Manifesto for the Twenty-First Century,' with Adrian Parr (2023). His webpage is


Content Feed

Who are the thinkers shap­ing the strate­gies of the al­liance?

Opinion by Santiago Zabala and Claudio Gallo
Published On 9 May 2022
The writer and philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy

Can we still trust our pub­lic in­sti­tu­tions in the new year?

Opinion by Santiago Zabala and Claudio Gallo
Published On 5 Jan 2022
A man dressed as Santa Claus holds a sign that reads "We are not mice, we are children" in a town square in Turin, Italy

On this year’s UN­ESCO World Phi­los­o­phy Day, we need phi­los­o­phy more than ever be­fore.

Opinion by Santiago Zabala and Claudio Gallo
Published On 18 Nov 2021

As the pan­dem­ic slow­ly comes to an end, a new and dead­ly form of pop­ulism is ris­ing.

Opinion by Santiago Zabala
Published On 25 Jun 2021

2020 took away from us a leg­end who turned play­ing foot­ball into a po­lit­i­cal act.

Opinion by Santiago Zabala and Antonio Moschella
Published On 28 Dec 2020