Cameron urges lifting of Gaza siege
British prime minister slams current state of Palestinian enclave as a “prison camp”.

But the prime minister acknowledged Israel’s security concerns, pointing to rocket attacks from Gaza, run by Gaza rulers Hamas.
‘Right answer’
“We both share the view that direct talks (between Israel and the Plaestinians) is the right answer,” Cameron said, referring to Erdogan.
Israel imposed a blockade on the Gaza Strip in June 2007 after the Islamist Hamas movement took control of the territory.
Gaza has been closed to virtually all supplies, and Palestinians inside the territory have had to deal with food shortages, lengthy power cuts and no cooking gas.
Following international uproar over a deadly Israeli raid on Gaza-bound aid ships on May 31, the Jewish state said it would begin allowing all purely civilian goods into Gaza.
It said it would also allow building materials into the territory but only for internationally supervised projects and that its naval blockade would remain in place to keep Hamas from importing military-grade rockets and other weapons.
The Gazan economy is also being further stifled by an inability to export goods.