The new
Our redesigned website will enable you to better access, share and engage with our best content from around the world.
Welcome to the new We had one thing in mind when we redesigned our website: You. We want to enable you to better access, share and engage with our very best content from around the world.
We’ve given new prominence to our most important reporting. In the editor’s picks, you can find our most original reporting of the day – the stories you won’t find anywhere else.
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Across the website, we’ve made it easier for you to access the content that appeals most to you. We want your experience to be rich, informative and customised to your interest.
An icon on our article pages lets you know when our journalists have added new information to our stories.
We’ve created a new column on the right side of our homepage where you’ll find the latest episodes of our award-winning shows and programmes.
On the left side of the homepage, we’ve launched the “fast lane”. This is a real time feed of everything we publish. We will also use it as a live blog during breaking news events, enabling our news teams to share their latest, most definitive journalism from the field. Our team of online editors will regularly update it with notes about the news we are currently chasing.
Our teams are working hard to ensure you can access, share, and engage with all the incredible content. You will now be able to view on smartphones, tablets and from your computer. We continue to focus on making our content highly shareable.
We have two Twitter accounts – follow @AJENews for our ongoing global news coverage and @AJEnglish for some of our channel’s best content. On Facebook you can also find featured stories, programmes, shows and lively debates. All of our social media accounts are listed here.
Please send us your feedback here if you see ways for us to improve. We will continue to strive to make the most informative news site on the web, bringing you the very best journalism and storytelling.
We hope you enjoy this new version of