President Biden expected to swiftly sign bill that lets law enforcement conduct electronic surveillance without warrant.

President Biden expected to swiftly sign bill that lets law enforcement conduct electronic surveillance without warrant.
London court deciding if WikiLeaks founder should have further opportunities to argue his case before a UK court.
Investigation shows journalists in India face ‘threat of unlawful surveillance’ along with other ‘tools of repression’.
Protests erupt in Israel amid Netanyahu’s government push for broad judicial reform. Plus, Greece’s wiretapping scandal.
Russian spy ring operated in Australia for 18 months before it was uncovered and its activities broken up, report says.
More Australians targets of spying ‘than at any time in Australia’s history’, country’s intelligence agency chief says.
Israeli firm has been linked to governments exploiting its technology to spy on journalists, activists and politicians.
WikiLeaks founder suffers setback in legal fight against US extradition efforts. Plus, Turks turn to YouTube for news.
The UN’s human rights office is urging action to put human rights guardrails on the use of artificial intelligence.
The 45-year-old Jordanian was arrested in Turkey on Friday on suspicion of spying for the UAE.
Former CIA officer John Kiriakou speaks to Al Jazeera about the US’s use of torture and his time in prison.
Secret documents, leaked from numerous intelligence agencies, offer rare insights into the interactions between spies.
What do the leaks tell us about spy communications and what effect will these leaks have on international relations?
In the first of two programmes, we assess the impact of Al Jazeera’s release of hundreds of classified documents.