Graphic Novel: Motherhood in crisis

Four women share their stories of hardship and survival in Sierra Leone, a country where falling pregnant often means risking death.

In the West African nation of Sierra Leone, one in 10 women die during childbirth. Healthcare systems are fragile – further strained by Ebola and now COVID-19 – and access to basic treatment is often limited.

The journeys that pregnant women take to reach healthcare provision can be long and traumatic. In this comic series, four women share their stories of hardship and survival in a country where falling pregnant means risking death.


Memunatu: The distant patient
‘Birth in my village’
Read her story

Heela: The schoolgirl
‘My stolen future’
Read her story

Kadiatu: The grieving mother
‘The devil at my door’
Read her story

Tetteh: The prisoner
‘My punishment’
Read her story


This reporting was made possible by the European Journalism Centre’s Global Health Grant for Germany.

Source: Al Jazeera