Hamas’s designation as a terror group in the UK is yet another attempt to suppress pro-Palestinian activism.

Hamas’s designation as a terror group in the UK is yet another attempt to suppress pro-Palestinian activism.
Banat lived the hardship of the Palestinian people and spoke with their pain, defying constant attempts to silence him.
The past few weeks have showed that Palestinians across Palestine and beyond struggle and resist as one people.
How the Arab revolutions inspired Palestinian mobilisation in Gaza.
Palestinians should stop hoping for change of policy in Washington and move forward with their struggle for freedom.
Some liberal Zionists are finally becoming aware of the inherent contradiction in their views on Israel and Palestine.
The world does not hear our stories or see our reality, why would they stand in solidarity with us?
…despite what Israel may claim.
The march we started a year ago defeated our two biggest enemies: Palestinian factionalism and Israeli propaganda.
After Camp David and Oslo, the Palestinians are left with a political elite that no longer stands for their struggle.