Orphans of the Sahara

Orphans of the Sahara


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Part three of this series explores the astonishing wealth that lies beneath the Tuareg’s ancestral land.

Published On 23 Jan 2014

Part two of this series explores northern Mali in 2012 as it falls to Tuareg separatists and their al-Qaeda rivals.

Published On 16 Jan 2014

With the fall of Gaddafi, thousands of Tuaregs return to Mali and Niger and launch their fight for an independent state.

Published On 9 Jan 2014

The band headed by a former Tuareg liberation fighter uses music as testimony about the struggle for self-rule.

Published On 8 Jan 2014

The Tuareg musician says education, not guns, is the solution to the problems facing his people.

Published On 8 Jan 2014