Paulo Pinheiro

Paulo Pinheiro

Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro is a Brazilian academic and political science scholar. Within the United Nations System, he served as the Special Rapporteur on ... the situation of human rights in Myanmar (2000-2008). Since 2011, he has served as Chairman of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry for Syria.


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Some states con­tin­ue to put bar­ri­ers to uni­ver­sal ju­ris­dic­tion which pre­vent the pros­e­cu­tion of Syr­i­an war crim­i­nals.

Opinion by Catherine Marchi-Uhel and Paulo Pinheiro and Hanny Megally and Lynn Welchman
Published On 13 Jan 2022
A young woman wearing a pink jumper sits on the street surrounded by framed pictures of victims of the Syrian regime.