The Iraqi government is banning large public gatherings in a bid to fight the spread of coronavirus.

The Iraqi government is banning large public gatherings in a bid to fight the spread of coronavirus.
Months of anti-government protests in Iraq’s capital have been bad for business on the oldest street in Baghdad.
An immediate diplomatic solution to the crisis seems unlikely.
By 1980, David Stern controlled national basketball’s marketing, television and public relations.
Demand created by China’s wealthy middle class is being blamed for a rise in pollution in the country.
Hundreds of thousands of refugees in Syria are facing a harsh winter and floods.
Critics of President Evo Morales say he committed fraud to get re-elected.
Parades on Tuesday are expected to reflect the country’s growing wealth and military strength.
People in Mosul say the return of the ring game is another sign the ISIL threat seems to be fading.
Iran and Iraq have close ties through trade, culture and religion. But Iraq relies on US to combat the threat of ISIL.