Are we looking at a new era of Egyptian regional activism?

Are we looking at a new era of Egyptian regional activism?
The flow of US weaponry to India to ‘rebalance’ Asia – at a price, of course.
Can western governments persuade their people that after years of war, Afghanistan must stay on financial life-support?
If diplomacy fails and Iran’s nuclear programme resumes, the prospect of an Israeli or US war returns to the picture.
Modi’s challenge is the same as it always was; to improve India’s ability to detect and disrupt terr
We are used to so-called terrorist states; but state-like terrorists have been rarer.
Even if ISIL is halted before it reaches Baghdad, it has left virtually every regional actor scrambling for a response.
Hectoring speeches and an acrimonious mood mark opening sessions of Syrian peace talks in Switzerland.
Betrayed by the West’s deal with Tehran, Saudi Arabia is weighing its options.