Shashank Joshi

Shashank Joshi


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Can western governments persuade their people that after years of war, Afghanistan must stay on financial life-support?

Opinion by Shashank Joshi
Published On 3 Dec 2014
An Afghan National Army soldier keeps watch in Paktika province [AFP]

If diplomacy fails and Iran’s nuclear programme resumes, the prospect of an Israeli or US war returns to the picture.

Opinion by Shashank Joshi
Published On 19 Nov 2014
While diplomats acknowledge that great progress has been made, there remain crucial gaps, writes Joshi [AFP]

Even if ISIL is halted before it reaches Baghdad, it has left virtually every regional actor scrambling for a response.

Opinion by Shashank Joshi and Aaron Stein
Published On 12 Jun 2014
Iraqi city of Mosul fell to ISIL forces within hours of their attack [AFP]

Hectoring speeches and an acrimonious mood mark opening sessions of Syrian peace talks in Switzerland.

Opinion by Shashank Joshi
Published On 23 Jan 2014
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad has reiterated that he has no intention of stepping down, his opponents remain bitterly divided [Reuters]