The aid initiative did not help Palestinians and actively undermined the very concept of humanitarianism.

The aid initiative did not help Palestinians and actively undermined the very concept of humanitarianism.
A new initiative by RWI promises to revolutionise the way compliance with the rules of war is monitored globally.
Establishment of a viable Palestinian state will be the key to ending this conflict. So how do we get there?
The ban stands against the core principles of Islam and hinders the Taliban’s efforts to gain international recognition.
Foreign companies, including European ones, are helping Israel loot Gaza’s natural gas reserves. They must be stopped.
The first step towards ensuring peace in the region should be placing Palestinians under international protection.
Israel should not be allowed to do to Gaza what it has long been doing to the West Bank.
Netanyahu is taking advantage of the war in Gaza to push the United States into a direct confrontation with Iran.
The appointment of a new prime minister in Kabul signals the Taliban’s openness to dialogue.
But it should be nervous about how close Israel has grown to Beijing.