US census gives Texas, Florida more seats in Congress

Meanwhile, California and New York lose seats as new US population data shifts voting districts for House of Representatives.

Florida is among six US states that will gain at least one seat in the House of Representatives next year, as a result of new population data released by the US Census Bureau on Monday [Lynne Sladky/AP Photo]

Texas, Florida and North Carolina will get more congressional seats next year, the United States Census Bureau has announced, as it released population data that reapportions House of Representatives members and Electoral College votes.

Monday’s release of the census data, which captured the entire US population as of April 2020, sets the stage for a battle that could reshape political power in Washington, DC over the next decade.

Under the US Constitution, the 435 seats in the House and the Electoral College votes that decide the US president every four years are divided among the 50 states based on population, with every state receiving at least one congressional seat.

The seats are reallocated every 10 years following the decennial census count.

Texas will receive two more congressional seats, and five states – Florida, North Carolina, Colorado, Montana and Oregon – will gain one congressional seat each, the census bureau said.

Meanwhile, New York, California, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia will each lose one seat.

Six states will gain seats in the US House of Representatives in 2022 while seven will lose seats, according to newly released US Census Bureau population estimates.

The shift in seats to states such as Texas and Florida, where Republicans control the statehouses, could be enough to erase Democrats’ razor-thin majority in the House.


Republicans in both of those states have in the past engaged in aggressive gerrymandering, the process by which maps are deliberately redrawn to benefit one party over another.

Every state uses the census data to redraw lines for districts and thousands of state legislative seats, a process known as redistricting.

That work cannot be completed until the census releases more precise block-by-block data, which is slated for September. The delay has raised concerns about whether states will have time to complete redistricting ahead of next year’s midterm elections.

The US Supreme Court ruled in 2019 that federal courts have no power to restrict political gerrymandering, although racial gerrymandering – which aims to curb the political power of specific racial or ethnic groups – remains unlawful.

The four most populous US states – California, Texas, Florida and New York – have more than 110 million residents combined and will hold about one-third of the House seats.

The shift of seven seats among 13 states was the smallest number of seat changes in any decade since the current method of calculating them was adopted in 1941, officials said.

Overall, the US population stood at 331,449,281 as of April 2020, a 7.4 percent increase over the previous decade, according to the census bureau. That rise is the second-slowest in history, behind only the 1930s, officials said.

Utah’s population grew faster than any other state’s, increasing by more than 18 percent since 2010. Only in three states did the population decrease, led by West Virginia, which saw its residents decrease by 3.2 percent.


Washington, DC, the nation’s capital, grew by 14.6 percent to a population of 689,545. Congressional Democrats recently passed legislation to admit the district as the 51st state but Republicans oppose the measure.

The territory of Puerto Rico, which was devastated by Hurricane Maria in 2017, saw its population decrease by 11.8 percent since 2010.

Wyoming remains the least populated state, with 576,851 residents.

Source: Reuters
