Inside Story

What is driving Bitcoin’s rise?

The value of the digital currency has jumped again as it attracts more investors.

Bitcoin has hit another record high, adding one more mark to its unmatched record of price swings.

Some describe it as the currency of the future. Others call it a bubble that’s doomed to burst.

But the mother of all cryptocurrencies is slowly cementing its place in global markets as the most preferred digital asset.

Financial institutions like MasterCard, PayPal and many others are investing heavily in it – slowly expanding access to customers all around the world.

So, while Bitcoin continues to trend higher, the question remains – will it replace traditional currencies in the future?

And what are the risks of using them?

Presenter: Rob Matheson


John Biggs – Cryptocurrency journalist and author of Black Hat: Misfits, Criminals and Scammers in the Internet Age

Zennon Kapron – Director of Kapronasia, a financial technology research and consulting firm, and the author of Chomping at the Bitcoin

Glen Goodman – Financial investor and author of the bestseller The Crypto Trader