The Listening Post

The war in Ukraine, according to the US media

Nuance is being lost – stifled even – in US media coverage of Ukraine. Plus, the influencers touring war-torn Syria.

Demonising not just Vladimir Putin, but Russians in general, is ridding media in the United States of context that is pertinent to the coverage of Ukraine. Not only is the context missing, but it is being stifled in some cases of American coverage.

Molly Jong-Fast – Contributor, The Atlantic
Alex Shephard – Staff writer, The New Republic
David Klion – Writer and editor, Jewish Currents
Abby Martin – Journalist; creator, The Empire Files

On our radar:

Despite the Kremlin’s determination to control the narrative on Ukraine, state-controlled reporting in Russia is taking a hit. Producer Johanna Hoes looks at the stream of resignations from some of Russia’s top broadcasters.

Destination Damascus: Social media tourism arrives in Syria

As travel content out of Syria draws millions of hits online, some Syrians raise concerns about its potential PR benefit for the Bashar al-Assad regime.

Paul Nabil Matthis – Syrian-American author; TikTok content creator
Sarah Hunaidi – Exiled Syrian writer; communications and advocacy consultant
Davud Akhundzada – Travel content creator
