The Listening Post

Hate speech and pogroms in the West Bank

Fire, violence and exultant settlers – the occupation of the West Bank gets darker. Plus, journalism is in crisis in Pakistan.

Two months in to the most far-right government in Israel’s history, Palestinians are seeing their rights evaporate while the media – both Israeli and international – underplay the Palestinian plight.

Sarit Michaeli – International advocacy officer, B’Tselem
Issa Amro – Hebron-based Palestinian activist
Ziv Stahl – Executive director, Yesh Din; contributor, +974 magazine
Khaled Elgindy – Palestinian-Israeli affairs programme, Middle East Institute; author, Blind Spot: America and the Palestinians, from Balfour to Trump

On our radar:

Nearly a month after the earthquake that killed more than 50,000 people across Turkey and Syria, the clampdown continues on critical reporting and anything else the Turkish government deems problematic. Producer Meenakshi Ravi reports on how extensive the crackdown has been.

Pakistani journalism in crisis

The Pakistani government is facing trouble on multiple fronts – political, economic, and on security. For the country’s media, things have come to a state where the incentives not to do the journalistic job are often greater than the motivators to actually do it.


Farzana Ali – Peshawar bureau chief, Aaj TV
Amber Shamsi – Director, The Centre for Excellence in Journalism