The WikiLeaks founder has landed in his home country following a 14-year legal ordeal.

The WikiLeaks founder has landed in his home country following a 14-year legal ordeal.
WikiLeaks unearthed documents ranging from conflicts within the US Democrats to toxic waste dumping in West Africa.
The forces that imprisoned Julian for the ‘crime’ of doing journalism are still not defeated.
Assange to plead guilty to one charge of espionage and return home to Australia after years fighting US extradition.
London court decides to permit WikiLeaks founder to appeal against ruling approving his extradition to the US.
Judges say US authorities have three weeks to provide assurances, with a final decision to be made in late May.
London court deciding if WikiLeaks founder should have further opportunities to argue his case before a UK court.
Second and final day of hearings at London’s High Court as Australian seeks new appeal.
The London High Court hearing will determine whether Assange is extradited to the US after his decade-long legal battle.
Supporters say Assange is an anti-establishment hero who has been victimised because he exposed US wrongdoings.
The WikiLeaks founder has been in a UK jail for years as he fights extradition to the US.
Fault Lines examines what Assange’s case says about press freedom and the consequences of publishing state secrets.
Stefania Maurizi says the whistleblowing organisation is key in revealing ‘state criminality at the highest level’.
A group of lawyers and journalists are suing the CIA, alleging that their privacy rights were violated.